Sessions - Davis Center | Chicago Booth



The Power of Positive Intelligence

Led by Stephanie Klein, Mindfire Mastery

Positive Intelligence (PQ) is a synthesis of recent breakthroughs in neuroscience, technology, cognitive and behavioral psychology, and performance science. It can help you to achieve your full potential for professional success and personal fulfillment.  In this highly informative keynote, session, you will learn about the PQ operating system and better understand how your mind can be your best friend and your worst enemy, and better understand how to unlock greater performance, relationships, and well-being. 

Session 1

Psychological Capital: A HERO's Journey

Led by Samantha Coleman, Associate Director, Harry L. Davis Center for Leadership

What does a leader need to navigate transitions, build adaptability, and embrace a positive mindset?  During this session, we’ll introduce you to the core components of Psychological Capital – Hope, Self-Efficacy, Resilience and Optimism (otherwise known as the H.E.R.O. within) – and their link to leadership effectiveness.

Session 2

Stepping into Hope

Led by Carolyn Ou, Executive Director, Harry L. Davis Center for Leadership

How hopeful are you on a daily basis? How does that impact your possibilities of success? As leaders it’s critical to design goals that effectively pull people forward. During this session we’ll explore the components of the Hope Cycle as we explore ways to make hope happen. 

Session 3

Self-Efficacy: Confidence in Action

Led by Samantha Coleman, Associate Director, Harry L. Davis Center for Leadership

Understanding the science of self-efficacy provides insights into how individuals perceive and respond to challenges, make decisions, and navigate their environment. In this highly interactive team-based challenge, you’ll explore the role of self-efficacy as a powerful psychological factor that influences leadership agility, motivation, and innovation.

Session 4

Resilience During Times of Change

Led by Joanne Dias, Center for Creative Leadership

Developing resilience has become an indispensable capability for both individual and enterprise-wide success. During this session, you will reflect on habits and behaviors that drain your energy and identify tactics you can put in place to help yourself and others build resilience and maintain well-being, especially during times of turbulence and change.


Engaging with Optimism

Details to come.