Keeping Leadership Skills Sharp - Davis Center | Chicago Booth

Alumni Advice: Keeping leadership skills sharp

A talented, accomplished group of Booth alumni—including Kristen Leigh Daihes, ’04, partner, Opex Analytics, and Richard Rogers, ’02, senior program officer, global development, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation—reveal how they develop interpersonal skills.

Our alumni share their practices of what works best, such as regular meetings with peers to give honest feedback from a different or detached point of view.

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Alumni Advice: Keeping leadership skills sharp

Booth alumni also keep their interpersonal skills sharp by:

  • Interacting with a wide diversity of people, whether they agree with them or not.
  • Prioritizing personal reflection on a daily basis.
  • Constantly seeking feedback from teammates and mentors to identify weaker areas to develop personally or to supplement with people who have strength in those areas.